Thursday, April 28, 2016

Bobwhite - Manatee Transmission Line Project Analysis

Intro to GIS - Final Project

Our final project was very long, involved and quite challenging.  We were tasked with analyzing key factors that were originally considered in gaining right-of-way access for a real transmission line project for Florida Power and Light Company (FPL).  We started with the background phase which was providing a cartographic model, basically a plan, for how we would go about the project, what data we would need and where we would get it.  The next phase was an analysis of the data.  There were four objectives we had to analyze and in order to do that we had to create maps for each objective, including datasets that would allow us to examine the data and run analysis tools on it. Most of the data was provided, some of it we had to download, and some we needed to create ourselves.  This process was a real challenge that required skills from pretty much the entire course.
The last phase was the presentation.  We had to create a slide show and transcipt as though we were presenting the data to a high-school level audience.  

Here are links to my slide presentation and the transcripts for it:

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